Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Complete Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Instructions

Complete Carbamide Peroxide Teeth Whitening Instructions

We are born with bright white teeth that darken over time. The process of darkening is gradual, and it tends to leave a prominent impression on our overall appearance. Stains, yellow patches, plaque build up and bluish or grayish tinge are some of the commonly seen colors.

The change in color, as I said, is gradual. When you were a child and your first tooth grew, it was milky white. So were the rest of your teeth. After that when you started developing fresh set of teeth there wasn't any change in the color and it was as white as you can think of. However, over the years and with passing time, the color fades and you have probably seen stains appearing.

What could be the cause of sudden staining of teeth?

Well, it is usually the foods that you eat. Foods containing added colors, such as turmeric (commonly used in Indian curries) and soy sauce (an integral ingredient in Chinese delicacies) are the greatest stain causers. And coffee is one of your most favorite beverages that you simply cannot live without, right?

Tea, coffee, too spicy foods, red wine, soy sauce and other such foods can leave stains on your teeth. And this is further aggravated by improper oral hygiene habits. Do you wash your mouth inside out, rubbing your gums and teeth thoroughly after eating? If not, it's called BAD oral hygiene.

Once formed, these stains can be very difficult to remove. In such cases the only choice you have is to use the teeth whitening products.

Teeth whitening products are ready-made bleaching agents that can remove every bit of dirt and stains from your teeth significantly within a couple of days. These products are the most sought-after options for people these days, and are easy to use as well. Apart from being user-friendly, teeth whitening products are also easily available and comfortable too. Depending on your preference and the kind of whiteness you want, you can choose from a plethora of whitening products, such as teeth whitening toothpastes, whitening gels, whitening polish, whitening strips, whitening trays and whitening kits.

All these teeth whitening products are effective in their own ways and are to be used as per directions given. Of all the products, teeth whitening toothpastes are very common. Whitening toothpastes help in removing stains and debris from teeth gradually. For stronger effect and quicker results however, whitening strips and whitening kits are better choices. And if you want instant touch up and whiteness, you would have to keep your teeth whitening polish ready for the moment.

Using these products is pretty simple. As for whitening toothpastes, you know what needs to be done. Whitening gels have almost the same procedure, but they contain a stronger percentage of peroxide. Whitening strips are to be worn for an hour everyday until you get the desired whiteness. For a better effect, teeth whitening trays are worn with some amount of peroxide gel inside to reach the teeth. Very effective indeed!

Now you need to make your choice. Prices are relatively cheaper when compared to whitening treatments, and the results are almost the same.

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